domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

Education in Poland

 One of the major recent developments of the Polish economy is the ongoing planned overhaul of the motorway network in Poland. According to the European Union, the road infraestructure in Poland needs more development. Due to the rapad develompent of Polands economy, bundled with a substancial influí of funds from the EU, plans for an extensiva motorway network connected with Europes own motorway network have begun to see the light of day.

Education in Polan is based on primary school usually starts at 6 years old. Primary school is divided into 2 cycles of 3 years. The first is integrated with one teacher handling alone all the subjects, the second have a subject based teaching, and the end of primary school is a compulsory international competence test.

Secondary education is in something call Gymnasium. Is lasts 3 years. The students are evaluated based on their continuing results.

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