domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

Road infrastructure and job opportunities in Poland

Road infrastructure :

The Polish highway network has been viewed in the past as chronically underdeveloped and lacking in basic modern infrastructure. After the fall of communism and after joining the European Union, this situation is rapidly changing for the better and in the next decade , Poland plans to have a very modern network of highways.

Polish public roads are grouped into categories related to administrative division . Poland has 412,264 km (256,170 mi) of public roads, of which 131,863 km (81,940 mi) are unsurfaced (2011)

In recent years, the network has been improving and government spending on road construction recently saw a huge increase, due to rapid development of the country and the inflow of European Union funds for infrastructure projects.

Job Opportunities :

Now a days Poland it's a country who haves a level of  unemployment of 11,9 % that is low level , this says that Poland is a country who offers many opportunities of job , and for the people who comes from other country is a nice place to catch good Laboral chances.

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